What is EUSO?
The European Union Science Olympiad (EUSO) is a multidisciplinary, integrated science, practical-based, team competition.
What does ‘team’ mean?
All the team members work together and cooperate to solve the 4 hour-long EUSO task.
Who can participate?
European Union (EU) second level school science students who are 16 years-of-age or younger on December 31st prior to the competition.
How are teams selected?
The EUSO Country Coordinator (CC) in each participating EU member state selects the team members at an annual national competition.
Who is the EUSO CC for my country?
See the dropdown menu ‘Countries’ on this EUSO website and click on your country.
How many members on each team
Each team must have 3 members only.
How many teams represent each country
Each country is represented by 1 or 2 teams
Must the team member hold a passport of the EU country?
No. The team member must be attending a second level school, corresponding to ISCED level 2 or 3, in the country the student represents.
How difficult are the Tasks?
The EUSO Tasks (experiments) are intellectually challenging and demand teamwork. They integrate biology, chemistry and physics, across the disciplines.
Is it possible to view the EUSO tasks?
The EUSO tasks 2003-2017 can be viewed and downloaded on this website see dropdown menu ‘Experiments’.
Can a student represent a country more that once?
Each student may participate twice at most in the EUSO.